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제53회 한국심초음파학회 추계학술대회 제53회 한국심초음파학회 추계학술대회
Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Room 5 Room 6 Room 7 Room 8

Room 1

Session for Beginners

Session for Experts

Highlight Session

Session for young Cardiologist

Degenerative MS and Mitral Annular Calcification: Do We Know It Well?
Chairperson: Dong-Soo Kim / Inje Univ., Geu-Ru Hong / Yonsei Univ.
English Seesion
09:00-09:15 Mitral Annular Calcification and Mitral Valve Disease Hiroyuki Okura / Gifu Univ., Japan
09:15-09:30 How to Grade Mitral Annular Calcification and Degenerative MS by Multimodal Imaging? Marc R. Dweck / British Heart Foundation Centre for Cardiovascular Science, Univ. of Edinburgh, UK
09:30-09:45 Degenerative MS: Surgical Challenges and Outcomes Seung Hyun Lee / Yonsei Univ.
09:45-10:00 The Complete Evaluation of the Patient with Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease [Online] Marta Sitges / Univ. of Barcelona, Spain
10:00-10:20 Panel Discussion Mi-Na Kim / Korea Univ.
In-Jeong Cho / Ewha Womans Univ.
Hui-Jeong Hwang / Kyung Hee Univ.
Coffee Break
Real Heart & Echocardiography
Chairperson: Jeong-Wook Seo / Incheon Sejong Hosp., Sang Chol Lee / Sungkyunkwan Univ.
10:40-11:00 Normal Heart Anatomy Jung-Sun Kim / Sungkyunkwan Univ.
Jeong-Wook Seo / Incheon Sejong Hosp.
Sang Chol Lee / Sungkyunkwan Univ.
11:00-11:30 Anatomy for Valvular Heart Disease and Intervention Eun Kyoung Kim / Sungkyunkwan Univ.
Jung-Sun Kim / Sungkyunkwan Univ.
11:30-12:00 Ischemic and Myocardial Diseases의 진단을 위한 Anatomy 이해하기 Kyung-Hee Kim / Incheon Sejong Hosp.
Jeong-Wook Seo / Incheon Sejong Hosp.
Luncheon Session (4) 한국다이이찌산쿄 & 대웅제약
Chairperson: Il Suk Sohn / Kyung Hee Univ., Geu-Ru Hong / Yonsei Univ.
12:10-12:35 Update on Evidence-Based Management for High Risk Patients with Olmesartan Jah Yeon Choi / Korea Univ.
12:35-13:00 Anticoagulation Strategy in Elderly Patients with AF: Focusing on Edoxaban Seong-Mi Park / Korea Univ.
13:00-13:10 Discussion
Cross Specialty: Percutaneous Intervention of Valvular Heart Disease
Chairperson: Tae-Ho Park / Donga Univ., Myeong-Ki Hong / Yonsei Univ.
13:40-13:55 Recent Update in TAVR and TEER 2022: Interventionist Perspective Do-Yoon Kang / Ulsan Univ.
13:55-14:10 Selecting Appropriate Treatment Strategy in AV Disease: Imaging Specialist Perspective Hyun Jung Lee / Seoul National Univ.
14:10-14:25 Selecting Appropriate Treatment Strategy in MV Disease: Imaging Specialist Perspective Chi Young Shim / Yonsei Univ.
14:25-14:40 Intraprocedural Imaging Guidance for Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement (TMVR) [Online] Stephen Little / Houston Methodist, USA
14:40-15:00 Panel Discussion Ju Hyeon Kim / Korea Univ.
Ji Won Seo / Yonsei Univ.
Ki Hyun Jeon / Seoul National Univ.
In-depth Evaluation of the Atrioventricular Valve
Chairperson: Jun Kwan / Kwon’s Heart Clinic, Goo-Yeong Cho / Seoul National Univ.
English Seesion
15:10-15:25 3D TV Quantificaiton: What's Updated? Sung Hee Shin / Inha Univ.
15:25-15:40 When to Intervene Primary MR? Jeonggeun Moon / Gachon Univ.
15:40-15:55 When to Intervene Secondary MR? Il Suk Sohn / Kyung Hee Univ.
15:55-16:10 Solving the Discrepancies between the Gradients and the Surface in Aortic Stenosis [Online] Bernard Cosyns / Univ. of Brussels, Belgium
16:10-16:30 Panel Discussion Kyu-Yong Ko / Yonsei Univ.
Hong-Mi Choi / Seoul National Univ.
Ran Heo / Hanyang Univ.
KSE 2022 사무국
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